Through an investigative approach Transparency Networks works to ensure financial compliance by detecting and exposing financial misconduct in large and medium sized corporations.

Additionally and in parallel with the MeToo Movement, the organisation is dedicated to combating misconduct and harassment, with a specific focus on women, aiming to create a safe workplace environment that upholds equal rights and opportunities for all employees and supports speaking out.

Protecting our sources, our process guarantees complete anonymity and security. Together with wide networks consisting of worldwide consultants, including pro-bono legal experts, we assist individuals who step forward regardless of their jurisdiction.

We aim for a transparent financial system which challenges global corporate financial malpractice by supporting individuals who wish to come forth.


Transparency Networks works to promote transparency and to call out corporate misconduct, maximizing the potential of individuals while minimizing risks of retaliation.

Actively reporting
financial misbehavior

Through an investigative approach we actively seek out public and private organizations who have demonstrated questionable financial behaviours, and support individuals who reach out to us wishing to share their experiences. We use various means in order to substantiate their claims: investigative journalism, due diligence, integrity investigations and more.

In order to protect our sources and to guarantee their complete anonymity, we never publish findings under our own name, but work as a “middle-man”, helping individuals to evaluate disclosure options (media outlets, law firms, governmental bodies, law enforcement, …).

Advocating for enhancing
whistleblower legal protection

We advocate for a better whistleblower legal protection around the world, in both private and public sectors. The support of a strong regulatory system is crucial for more people to partake in the fight against corruption.

Corporate jurisdictions may prove difficult to navigate. This is particularly true for multinational companies. Our wide networks of worldwide consultants, including pro-bono legal experts, investigators, due diligence agencies and journalists assist our sources regardless of their jurisdiction. Our international team holds the necessary expertise to understand and provide required support.

Together we aim to create a strong financial regulatory system challenging financial malpractice, ensuring transparent processes by supporting individuals who wish to step forward.